Embody the wisdom of Earth and ancestors

our past holds the wisdom for tomorrow

our ancestral bond to the earth

The growing interest in world spiritualities and so-called shamanic practices reflects a deep yearning for meaning and a longing for belonging – a return to our original connection with the Earth.

By rediscovering our ancestral relationship with the living world, we naturally (re)adopt values and attitudes that foster inclusivity and respect for all beings. This animistic worldview – once central to our ancestors’ lives – carries relational wisdom that holds the key to restoring balance on Earth. These ancient understandings lie dormant within us, awaiting recognition and revival.

Our ancestors stand at the threshold between worlds, offering us the chance to heal the past, reclaim forgotten wisdom, and rediscover who we truly are. By reconnecting with them, we can rekindle our relationship with Life itself and contribute to a profound cultural and systemic renewal of our shared humanity.

The pathways to your roots

Through a universal approach, I guide individuals and groups in consultations and workshops to explore their connection with their ancestors. This journey of healing your lineages invites you to draw upon the deep wisdom of your roots, reconnecting with the living world in a way that honors your ancestral traditions and resonates with the lands you call home. Your ancestors have the power to remind you of your true human essence and to help you rediscover your place within the vast mystery of Life.

A return to your roots – a tailored approach

Individual Support

Get to know your roots, learn from your ancestors and start healing your lineages.

In-person Group Process

Healing an ancestral lineage or reconnecting with the living world over a weekend.

Online Group Process

A selection of online workshops designed to rekindle the ancestral wisdoms within us.

Meet me

My name is Hazel. Born in northern France, my quest for meaning led me to the Australian desert, where I came to realize that the wisdom of the living world – and the wisdom of my ancestors – needed to be brought to consciousness in order to restore balance to my identity, my existence on Earth, and my place within it. I can guide you in connecting with your ancestors from a perspective of repair, liberation, and healing, encompassing the personal, familial, and collective dimensions.

Marie Rançon
Marie Rançon

Meet me

My name is Hazel. Born in northern France, my quest for meaning led me to the Australian desert, where I came to realize that the wisdom of the living world – and the wisdom of my ancestors – needed to be brought to consciousness in order to restore balance to my identity, my existence on Earth, and my place within it. I can guide you in connecting with your ancestors from a perspective of repair, liberation, and healing, encompassing the personal, familial, and collective dimensions.

“We live in a culture that rejects its young people and forgets its old people, There is no initiations and rites of passage anymore. There is no bridge between generations. If we are the link between our children and ancestors, we have a mission, we have a purpose.” ~ Ellen Kushner

A book to guide you

The Wisdom of the Ancestors is a collection of reflections, testimonials, and practical invitations designed to support and deepen your (re)connection to the living world. Drawing from my experiences in both France and the Australian desert, it is also a co-creation with my ancestors, with whom I share an intimate relationship. Rooted in ecopsychology, this guide weaves together transpersonal psychology and ancestral wisdom.


Feeling together

In the face of the world’s challenges, our vulnerability holds the teachings and wisdom needed to open our hearts. By reconnecting with our humanity, we can transform our despair, grief, and fears into sources of resilience and active hope. Honoring our emotions – toward the Earth, Life, and Death – each imbued with their own mystery and depth, allows us to tap into our creativity and act out of love for what we hold dear.

Join the monthly Grief Circle, a FREE online circle, and stay connected to upcoming events. Occasional grief rituals are also offered in person.

Marie Rançon
Marie Rançon

Feeling together

In the face of the world’s challenges, our vulnerability holds the teachings and wisdom needed to open our hearts. By reconnecting with our humanity, we can transform our despair, grief, and fears into sources of resilience and active hope. Honoring our emotions – toward the Earth, Life, and Death – each imbued with their own mystery and depth, allows us to tap into our creativity and act out of love for what we hold dear.

Join the monthly Grief Circle, a FREE online circle, and stay connected to upcoming events. Occasional grief rituals are also offered in person.